Nanomaterial Synthesis – InstaNANO Nanotechnology at Instant Fri, 07 Oct 2022 05:59:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Nanomaterial Synthesis – InstaNANO 32 32 Silica Nanoparticles Synthesis by using Sodium Silicate and Ammonia via Sol-Gel Method Fri, 23 Apr 2021 12:14:20 +0000

Silica Nanoparticles Synthesis by using Sodium Silicate as precursor and Ammonia as reducing agent via Sol-Gel Method

    Sodium silicate solution (containing around 8% Na2O and 28% SiO2), Ammonia Solution, Ethanol, Deionized Water, RB Flask, Magnetic stirrer, Centrifuge

  2. STEP 1.
    Add 1ml Sodium silicate in 15ml water.

  3. STEP 2.
    Make second solution by mixing 90ml Ammonia and 30ml Ethanol.

  4. STEP 3.
    Add Sodium Silicate solution (prepared in step-1) drop wide into Ammonia+Ethanol solution (prepared in step-2).

  5. STEP 4.
    After 1 hour of aging, wash and centrifuge the formed product. Finally dry it to get Silica Nanoparticles powder.

    Size of the formed Silica Nanoparticles should be around 80nm. Broad peak around 24 two theta should be observed in XRD. FTIR consist of peaks at 1094–1100 cm−1 for Si–O–Si; and the band at 466–470 cm−1 for Si–O–Si.

  7. NOTE: All the experiments should be done under the guidance of lab Incharge; and proper lab safety instructions.

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Leaf Extract Based Nanoparticles Green Synthesis via Biological Method Fri, 23 Apr 2021 12:01:12 +0000

Nanoparticles can be easily synthesized by using various leaf extracts as reducing and capping agent with various precursors.

    Fresh leaves of desire tree/plant, Deionized Water, RB Flask, Dropper, Magnetic Stirrer with Temperature option, FIlter Paper

  2. STEP 1.
    Take fresh leaves of your choice plant. Wash properly and cut them into small pieces

  3. STEP 2.
    Take 25g leaves pieces in 100ml of deionized water and boil the leaves around 80-90ºC for 5-10 minutes.

  4. STEP 3.
    When the water turns GREEN, filter it out and use it as reducing and capping agent for Nanoparticles synthesis.

    The color of used precursor solution will change depending on the type of precursor; indicates the formation of that precursor Nanoparticles.

  6. Factors Affecting Synthesis
    Species of Plant/Tree: Different types of Plants/Trees are having different types of chemical composition and concentration of specific chemical in its leaves. So different species of Plants/Trees can give the different particle size, size distribution. Even morphology can also be changed by using leaf extract of different plants/trees.
    Concentration of Copper Nitrate: Nickel Chloride is used as the precursor in this synthesis. Higher the concentration of Nickel Chloride, more the chances of agglomeration; further leads to bulky size particles.
    Concentration of Leaves in Water: Concentration of leaves in water is very important for Nanoparticles synthesis. Higher concentration of leaves in water, leads to higher concentration of reducing and capping agent in water.
    Temperature: The temperature is another important factor in the synthesis of Nanoparticles, change in temperature leads to change in the particles size; also higher temperature leads to faster chemical Kinetics.

  7. NOTE: All the experiments should be done under the guidance of lab Incharge; and proper lab safety instructions.

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Graphene Oxide Synthesis by using Graphite, Sulphuric Acid, Potassium Permanganate and Hydrogen Peroxide via Modified Hummer’s Method Fri, 23 Apr 2021 11:51:49 +0000

Graphene Oxide Synthesis by using Graphite as precursor, Sulphuric Acid and Potassium Permanganate as Oxidising Agent and Hydrogen Peroxide via Modified Hummer’s Method

    Graphite, Sulphuric Acid, Potassium Permanganate (KMnO4), Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2), Deionized Water, RB Flask, Magnetic Stirrer

  2. STEP 1.
    Add 1g Graphite into 25ml Sulphuric acid and setup ice-bath.

  3. STEP 2.
    Add 3g Potassium Permanganate very slowly by keeping the temperature less than 20ºC and stir for more 3 hours.

    NOTE: You may remove the ice bath after 20 minutes and again setup for step-3

  4. STEP 3.
    Add 50ml water drop-wise by keeping the temperature less than 50ºC.

    This is very dangerous step take proper precautions

  5. STEP 4.
    After some time the color of colloidal changes to dark brown indicates the formation of Graphene Oxide

  6. STEP 5.
    Now, add 100ml water instantly for complete oxidation.

  7. STEP 6.
    Add 5ml Hydrogen Peroxide for the completion of the reaction.

  8. STEP 7.
    Washing Process: Add 100ml Hydrochloric Acid in 900ml deionized water and wash Graphene Oxide (produced after step-6) with it several times for 15-20 minutes each at 5000rpm.

  9. STEP 8.
    Wash again with deionized water 5-6 times for 30 minutes each at 6000rpm.

    Graphene Oxide (GO) colour would be dark brown; UV-VIs spectroscopy absorbance peak would be obtained around 250nm; Raman spectroscopy D band and G band would be obtained at around 1300cm-1 and 1550cm-1 respectively.

  11. Factors Affecting Synthesis
    Concentration of Graphite: The amount of Graphite used for the synthesis of Graphene Oxide (GO) is very important factor; because oxidation penetration on Graphite depends on the concentration of the Graphite in the Sulphuric Acid. Higher the concentration of Graphite, lesser the penetration of oxidation.
    Concentration of Sulphuric Acid: Concentration of Sulphuric Acid is most important in Hummers method. Higher the concentration of Sulphuric Acid, higher the chances of complete exfoliation of Graphite into Graphene Oxide; But also very high chances of unwanted accident.
    Rate of Adding Water: Rate at which water is added for the oxidation matters a lot. InstaNANO suggest you to add water drop wise very slowly to avoid unwanted accidents and to get good quality Graphene Oxide.
    Effect of KMnO4: In this method, KMnO4 acts as Oxidizer, Sulphuric Acid functionalize the Graphite surface to add functional groups in the presence of reagent like KMnO4. KMnO4 should be added slowly because it increases the temperature of the reaction and may lead to incomplete oxidation at the end, if poured instantly and not stirred properly.
    Role of Hydrogen Peroxide: Main role of Hydrogen Peroxide is to remove the excessive KMnO4 or in other words to stop the reaction.
    Concentration of HCL: Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) is used in the washing process of Graphene Oxide (GO) because HCL can remove/dissolve any metal impurity during the synthesis of GO from Hummers method. By using concentrated HCL partial reduction of GO may be possible.
    Centrifuge Time and Speed: Centrifuge time and speed (rpm) decide the amount of GO settle down in the centrifuge tube. At higher speed and more time washing, even smaller size GO can settle down in the centrifuge tube.
    Number of Washing: How many times you wash is very important in this washing process. More times you wash the GO, leads to good quality GO with less impurities.

  12. NOTE: All the experiments should be done under the guidance of lab Incharge; and proper lab safety instructions.

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Zinc Oxide Nanorods Green Synthesis – ZnO by using Zinc Nitrate and Aloe Vera Leaves via Biological Method Fri, 23 Apr 2021 12:32:18 +0000

Zinc Oxide (ZnO) Nanorods Green Synthesis by using Zinc Nitrate as precursor and Aloe Vera Leaves as reducing and stabilising agent via Biological Method.

    Fresh leaves of Aloe Vera Leaves, Zinc Nitrate, Deionized Water, RB Flask, Dropper, Magnetic Stirrer with Temperature option, Filter Paper.

  2. STEP 1.
    Extract the gel from the Aloe Vera leaves to be used as Reducing and Capping agent for the synthesis.

  3. STEP 2.
    Take 30ml Aloe Vera gel and setup reflux at 80°C temperature.

  4. STEP 3.
    Take 3g Zinc Nitrate in 50ml water in another RB Flask.

  5. STEP 4.
    Add Zinc Nitrate solution (prepared in step-3) slowly in Aloe Vera gel (prepared in step-2) by dropper.

  6. STEP 5.
    After some time (~10min) White precipitation star appearing indicated the formation of Zinc Oxide Nanorods.

  7. STEP 6.
    Centrifuge the white precipitate at 5000 rpm for ~15 minutes to collect the powder.

    UV-Vis absorbance of Zinc Oxide Nanorods obtained around 350nm. Diameter of Zinc Oxide Nanorods is around 40nm in size.

  9. NOTE: All the experiments should be done under the guidance of lab Incharge; and proper lab safety instructions.

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Graphene Quantum Dots Synthesis by using Neem Leaves via Pyrolysis Method followed by Acid Treatment Fri, 23 Apr 2021 12:07:32 +0000

Graphene Quantum Dots (GQDs) Synthesis by using Neem Leaves as Precursor via Pyrolysis Method followed by Acid Treatment

    Fresh leaves of Neem Leaves, Deionized Water, RB Flask, Dropper, Magnetic Stirrer and Furnace

  2. STEP 1.
    Take fresh Neam leaves, wash properly and dry at 60-80°C for some time until all the water content in the leaves evaporates. Crush the dried Neem leaves to form the fine powder.

  3. STEP 2.
    Take Neem leaves fine powder, and Pyrolysis it at 1000°C for 5 hours under inert gas to from Black colored Carbon powder.

  4. STEP 3.
    Take Black colored Carbon powder in RB flask. Add Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4) and Nitric Acid (HNO3) in 3:1 ratio respectively, and setup reflux at 80°C for 5 hours.

  5. STEP 4.
    Add more water to dilute the synthesized GQDs. Filter the Brown colored solution containing GQDs to separate out unreacted content.

    Graphene Quantum Dots (GQDs) color would be Brown; Fluorescence of GQDs found to be Green color, when excited in UV radiations. UV-VIs spectroscopy absorbance peak would be obtained around 280nm; Raman spectroscopy D band and G band would be obtained at around 1300cm-1 and 1550cm-1 respectively.

  7. NOTE: All the experiments should be done under the guidance of lab Incharge; and proper lab safety instructions.

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Zirconium Diboride Nanoparticles Synthesis – (ZrB2) by using Zirconium Propoxide, Boric Acid, Sucrose and Acetic Acid via Sol-gel Method Fri, 23 Apr 2021 12:19:27 +0000

Zirconium Diboride (ZrB2) Nanoparticles Synthesis by using Zirconium Propoxide as precursor, Boric Acid, Sucrose and Acetic Acid via Sol-gel Method

    Zirconium Propoxide (Zr(OPr)4), Boric Acid (H3BO3), Sucrose (C12H22O11), Acetic Acid (CH3COOH), Methanol (CH3OH), Acetylacetone (C5H8O2), Deionized Water, RB Flask, Dropper, Magnetic stirrer, Furnace.

  2. STEP 1.
    Add 6.3ml Zirconium Propoxide and 1.2ml Acetylacetone in 25ml of Methanol. Stirrer it at room temperature.

  3. STEP 2.
    Add 4ml of water dropwise and stirrer for 30 minutes at room temperature.

  4. STEP 3.
    Add 2.5g Boric Acid and 2.9g Sucrose in 45ml of Acetic Acid in another RB flask. Stirrer for 30 minutes a 80°C.

  5. STEP 4.
    Add Zirconium Propoxide solution (prepared in step-2) into Boric Acid solution (prepared in step-3) and stirrer for 4 hours at 60°C to form the wet gel.

  6. STEP 5.
    Dry the formed wet gel at 120°C for 3 hours to form the final precursor.

  7. STEP 6.
    Now grind the dried sample with mortar-pestle. And Calcine it at 1550°C for 4 hours at a slow ramping rate of 2-3°C/min.

    Finally, Zirconium Diboride (ZrB2) Nanoparticles are formed as Gray color after calcination.

  9. Factors Affecting Synthesis
    Calcination (in STEP 6) can also be done in 3 steps. First 30-800°C with 5°C/min, then 800-1200°C with 3°C/min for 2 hours and finally 1200-1550°C with 2°C/min for another 2 hours. Cooling rate should be 5°C/min. This elaborated calcination can increase the crystallinity of the formed Zirconium Diboride (ZrB2) Nanoparticles.

  10. NOTE: All the experiments should be done under the guidance of lab Incharge; and proper lab safety instructions.

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Copper Nanoparticles Synthesis by using Silver Nitrate, PVP and Hydrazine Hydrate via Chemical Reduction Method Fri, 23 Apr 2021 11:26:02 +0000

Copper Nanoparticles Synthesis by using Silver Nitrate as Precursor, PVP as Stabilising Agent and Hydrazine Hydrate as Reducing Agent via Chemical Reduction Method

    Copper Nitrate, Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), Hydrazine Hydrate, Deionized Water, RB Flask, Magnetic Stirrer

  2. STEP 1.
    Add 2g Polyvinylpyrrolidone-30 in 100ml water and set temperate to 60ºC to dissolve it properly.

  3. STEP 2.
    Add 1g Copper Nitrate and stir for more 10 minutes.

  4. STEP 3.
    Add Hydrazine Hydrazine Hydrate drop-wise in vigorous stirring until the colour turns Green.

  5. STEP 4.
    The Green colour indicates the formation of Copper Nanoparticles in water.

    The average size of Copper Nanoparticles would be less than 10nm; UV-Vis spectroscopy absorption peak would be obtained around 600nm.

  7. Factors Affecting Synthesis
    Concentration of Polyvinylpyrrolidone: Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) is used as the capping agent in this synthesis method. Hence if the concentration of PVP is changed, then size of Copper Nanoparticles will also change. Lower the concentration of PVP, bigger the particle size.
    Concentration of Copper Nitrate: Copper Nitrate is used as the precursor in this. Higher the concentration of Copper Nitrate, bigger the size of Copper Nanoparticles.
    Concentration of Hydrazine Hydrate: Hydrazine Hydrate is used as the reducing agent in this synthesis method. Higher the concentration of Hydrazine Hydrate, more chances of agglomeration of Copper Nanoparticles, leads to bulky reddish bulky color particles.
    Effect of Temperature: Higher temperature mostly leads to good size distribution size range particles but in this synthesis PVP polymer bonds may break if you try to increase the temperate beyond 80ºC.

  8. NOTE: All the experiments should be done under the guidance of lab Incharge; and proper lab safety instructions.

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Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Synthesis – (Fe2O3) by using Iron Chloride and Urea via Chemical Reduction Method followed by Thermal Treatment Fri, 23 Apr 2021 12:23:27 +0000

Iron (III) Oxide (Fe2O3) Nanoparticles Synthesis by using Iron Chloride as precursor and Urea as reducing agent via Chemical Reduction Method followed by Thermal Treatment.

    Iron(III) chloride (FeCl3), Urea (CH4N2O), Deionized Water, RB Flask, Dropper, Magnetic Stirrer with Temperature option, Centrifuge, Furnace.

  2. STEP 1.
    Take 1g Iron(III) chloride in 50ml of water and set reflux temperature to 80°C.

  3. STEP 2.
    Take 1g Urea in 50ml of water in another RB flask at room temperature

  4. STEP 3.
    Add Urea solution (prepared in step-2) into Iron Chloride solution (prepared in step-1) and keep the reflux temperature to 80°C for 2 hours.

  5. STEP 4.
    Add Zinc Nitrate solution (prepared in step-3) slowly in Aloe Vera gel (prepared in step-2) by dropper.

  6. STEP 5.
    Filter out the precipitate, wash it with deionized Water and Ethanol several times to remove the unwanted impurities.

  7. STEP 6.
    After washing and drying. Obtained powder is Calcined at 650°C for 2 hours to form the Iron Oxide (Fe2O3) Nanoparticles.

    Size of the formed Iron (III) Oxide (Fe2O3) Nanoparticles should be around 50 nanometers. Size can be reduced upto 15nm by using Microwave heating (read Factors Affecting Synthesis for more information).

  9. Factors Affecting Synthesis
    Concentration of Urea: Higher the concentration of Urea smaller the size of Nanoparticles.
    Calcination Conditions: It was observed that if powder is calcined in Microwave for 5 minutes instead of conventional heating then size of the Nanoparticles reduces to 15 nanometers.

  10. NOTE: All the experiments should be done under the guidance of lab Incharge; and proper lab safety instructions.

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Graphene Synthesis by using Graphene Oxide and Hydrazine Hydrate via Chemical Reduction Method Fri, 23 Apr 2021 11:56:07 +0000

Graphene Synthesis by using Graphene Oxide as Precursor and Hydrazine Hydrate as Reducing Agent via Chemical Reduction Method

    Graphene Oxide (GO), Hydrazine Hydrate (10%), Deionized Water, RB Flask, Magnetic Stirrer

  2. STEP 1.
    Add 300mg Graphene Oxide in 100 water and setup reflux at 80°C.

    Graphene oxide concentration: 3mg/ml

  3. STEP 2.
    Add 100µL Hydrazine Hydrate.

    Hydrazine Hydrate concentration: 1µL per 3mg of GO

  4. STEP 3.
    After 12 hours remove the reflux setup and filter out the reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO).

    Reduced Graphene Oxide colour would be black; Raman spectroscopy D band and G band would be obtained at around 1300cm-1 and 1550cm-1 respectively.

  6. Factors Affecting Synthesis
    Concentration of Graphene Oxide: The main ingredient for the synthesis of reduced Graphene Oxide is Graphene Oxide. As much concentration we take initially, that much amount rGO we get at the end of the process. But much higher amount of Graphene Oxide can leads to incomplete reduction and thus bad quality final product.
    Concentration of Hydrazine Hydrate: Hydrazine Hydrate acts as the reducing agent in synthesis method. For the optimum reduction of the GO, optimum quantity of Hydrazine Hydrate is needed.
    Effect of Temperature: Temperature plays an important role in speeding up any reaction. High temperature synthesis give us fine product quality by consuming less time.
    Why Reflux: Reflux is a very good technique, when we want to give temperature to the solvents just below their boiling point. In this synthesis method, if we do not use reflux and direct heat the solution for 24 hours. Then all the water will be evaporated within few hours and only solid non-reduced GO will be left in the RB flask.

  7. NOTE: All the experiments should be done under the guidance of lab Incharge; and proper lab safety instructions.

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Tungsten Oxide Nanorods Synthesis – (WO3) by using Sodium Tungstate and Oxalic Acid via Hydrothermal Method Fri, 23 Apr 2021 12:08:33 +0000

Tungsten(VI) Oxide (WO3) Nanorods Synthesis by using Sodium Tungstate as precursor and Oxalic Acid via Hydrothermal Method

    Sodium Tungstate (Na2WO2.2H2O), Oxalic Acid (H2C2O4.2H2O), Hydrochloric Acid (HCl), Potassium Sulfate (K2SO4), Deionized Water, RB Flask, Magnetic stirrer

  2. STEP 1.
    Add 2g Sodium Tungstate and 1.5g Oxalic Acid in 50 ml water.

  3. STEP 2.
    Add HCL in the above solution until the pH reaches around 0.8, after this transparent homogenious solution is formed.

  4. STEP 3.
    Add 3g Potassium Sulfate into the solution prepared in step-2.

  5. STEP 4.
    Tansfer the solution in Hydrothermal and set the temperature at 100°C for 24 hours.

  6. STEP 5.
    Finally, Wash and Filter out the Yellowish solution through centrifuge. You can now use these Tungsten(VI) Oxide (WO3) Nanorods in any application.

    Tungsten(VI) Oxide (WO3) Nanorods color was found to be yellowish. Average diamter of the rods are around 150 nanometers and length of about 1 micrometer.

  8. NOTE: All the experiments should be done under the guidance of lab Incharge; and proper lab safety instructions.

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