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Fringes Calculations with Reference Material Matching


Original price was: $100.0.Current price is: $29.0.

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Fringes Calculations with Reference Material Matching

You have synthezied your material and you want to know, the images you are seeing in TEM, are exactly your synthezied material or some impurity.
Also, If you have synthesized two types of material in one sample then you want to know which structure is of which material, then we are here to help you out.
We will analyze your Fringes data and after calculations, we will match your data with the reference materials and let you know if the material shown in Fringes data is exactly your material or something else.

What will you get,
↠ Calculated d values from Fringes data.
↠ Reference material match details.
↠ Fringes edited image, which you can directly use in any International publication.