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Silver Nanoparticles Green Synthesis by using Silver Nitrate, Rice Grains and CTAB via Biological Method

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Silver Nanoparticles Green Synthesis by using Silver Nitrate, Rice Grains and CTAB via Biological Method - InstaNANO. (accessed March 26th, 2025).

Silver Nanoparticles Green Synthesis by using Silver Nitrate as precursor, Rice Grains as reducing agent and CTAB as stabilising agent via Biological Method

    Silver Nitrate, Rice grains, Cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB), Deionized Water, RB Flask, Dropper, Magnetic Stirrer.

  2. STEP 1.
    Take 2g of rice grains in 10ml of water and boil at 100°C for 1 hours to prepare starch solution.

  3. STEP 2.
    Take 50mg Silver Nitrate in 50ml of water and add 0.5ml of starch solution in it drop wide. Set the reflux at 80°C for 30 minuted.

  4. STEP 3.
    After 30 minutes cool down the solution to room temperature and add 2g of CTAB and stirrer 30°C for 12 hours.

  5. STEP 4.
    After 12 hours, the solution. will turn light yellow indicated the formation of Silver Nanoparticles.

    Silver Nanoparticles size should be around 20-30 nanometers. UV-Vis absorbance should be around 420nm.

  7. NOTE: All the experiments should be done under the guidance of lab Incharge; and proper lab safety instructions.

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