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Raman Spectroscopy Crystallite Size Calculator (Tuinstra Koenig Relation)

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Raman Spectroscopy Crystallite Size Calculator (Tuinstra Koenig Relation) - InstaNANO. (accessed December 1st, 2024).

This calculator can easily determine crystallite size by using Raman spectrum via Tuinstra Koenig Relation.

Laser Wavelength (nm)

ID/IG Ratio


Calculation Tutorial:

STEP1: Open the Raman spectra of the material, which is obtained from the instrument and calculator ID by IG ratio.

 Now enter the Wavelength of Laser used during the Raman Characterization; also measured ID/IG Ratio (for example 0.9733) in “ID/IG Ratio (D/G Peak)” column of the calculator. You should get the calculated results of the d value in the “Results” field.

Theory Behind Calculations:

The above calculator is based on the “Tuinstra Koenig Relation” to calculate the crystallite size by using Raman Spectroscopy.

Tuinstra Koenig Relation:

Crystallite Size (La) = 2.4×10^-10 × [Wavelength of Laser (nm)]^4 / ID:IG Ratio

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Mouhiaddine el jamal says:

I have TiO2 What are ID and IG? Inorder to calculate the particles size

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