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Silver Nanoparticles Green Synthesis by using Silver Nitrate and Turmeric powder via Biological Method

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Silver Nanoparticles Green Synthesis by using Silver Nitrate and Turmeric powder via Biological Method - InstaNANO. (accessed December 1st, 2024).

Silver Nanoparticles Green Synthesis by using Silver Nitrate as precursor and Turmeric powder as reducing and stabilising agent via Biological Method

    Silver Nitrate, Turmeric powder, Deionized Water, RB Flask, Dropper, Magnetic Stirrer.

  2. STEP 1.
    Take 7g of Turmeric powder in 100ml water and reflux at 80°C for 10 minutes.

  3. STEP 2.
    Filter the extract and centrifuge at 5000rpm for 10 minutes. This extract was further used as reducing and stabilising agent for Nanoparticles synthesis.

  4. STEP 3.
    Take 4mg Silver Nitrate in 25ml water. Add 5ml Turmeric extract into Silver Nitrate solution at room temperature.

  5. STEP 4.
    After 12 hours, the solution turns Reddish-Brown indicates the formation of Silver Nanoparticles.

    Silver Nanoparticles should be having a size around 10 to 20 nanometers. UV-Vis absorbance should be observed around 430nm.

  7. Factors Affecting Synthesis
    Turmeric Extract: Turmeric extract acts as reducing and capping agent in this synthesis, so concentration of this in silver nitrate solution can lead to change in size of the Silver Nanoparticles formed during synthesis.
    Concentration of Silver Nitrate: Lower the concentration of Silver Nitrate smaller will be the size of Silver Nanoparticles.

  8. NOTE: All the experiments should be done under the guidance of lab Incharge; and proper lab safety instructions.

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