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TEM Free Services

SAED d value and XRD Peak Position calculator

TEM Analysis

TEM Analysis Services

This is the official page for TEM (Transmission Electron Microscopy) Sample Analysis. In which InstaNANO provides TEM analysis services to all the users Globally, which includes

Scientific Graph Plotting for Publication

If you have analysed your sample with any of the spectroscopy or microscopy and you don't know what is the best way of plotting your results and how to do it.
Then you don't need to worry about anything, we are always here you help you out in Scientific Graph Plotting.

We can plot any kind of graph for your including:
  • Simple X-Y Axis Graph
  • Graphs with Error Bar
  • Bar Chart
  • 3D X-Y-Z Axis Graph
  • 3D Colormap Graph
  • Multi Y Axis Graph
  • 2D/3D Pie Chart
  • And Many More...

  • All our plotted graphs are highly scientific and you can directly send them for any publication in any book or international journal.

    Custom Analysis

    NOTE: Analysis will be done as per the conversation held with our team.

    SAED Calculations with Reference Material Matching

    You have synthezied your material and you want to know, the images you are seeing in TEM, are exactly your synthezied material or some impurity.
    Also, If you have synthesized two types of material in one sample then you want to know which structure is of which material, then we are here to help you out.
    We will analyze your SAED (Selected Area Electron Diffraction) patterns and after calculations we will match your data with the reference materials and let you know if the material shown in SAED patterns is exactly your material or something else.

    What will you get,
    ↠ Calculated d values from SAED patterns.
    ↠ Reference material match details.
    ↠ SAED edited image, which you can directly use in any International publication.

    Fringes Calculations with Reference Material Matching

    You have synthezied your material and you want to know, the images you are seeing in TEM, are exactly your synthezied material or some impurity.
    Also, If you have synthesized two types of material in one sample then you want to know which structure is of which material, then we are here to help you out.
    We will analyze your Fringes data and after calculations, we will match your data with the reference materials and let you know if the material shown in Fringes data is exactly your material or something else.

    What will you get,
    ↠ Calculated d values from Fringes data.
    ↠ Reference material match details.
    ↠ Fringes edited image, which you can directly use in any International publication.

    Custom Image Calculations

    You have synthesized your sample and also performed any of the microscopy like Optical, SEM, TEM, AFM, STM etc. But you still want to make some calculations in your image, then we are always here to help you out in almost every type of image calculaiton.

    Things we can perform for you,
    ↠ Average particle size or diameter calculation with bar chart.
    ↠ Color calculation and color profiling.
    ↠ Any other custom calculation you want.