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XRD Free Services

XRD d value Calculator
XRD Crystallite (grain) Size Calculator (Scherrer Equation)
Percent Crystallinity Calculator form XRD (X-Ray Diffraction)

XRD Analysis

XRD Analysis Services

This is the official page for XRD (X-Ray Diffraction) Sample Analysis. In which InstaNANO provides XRD analysis services to all the users Globally, which includes

XRD Data Matching Online

You can upload your data to our secure servers and sit back relaxed at your place. Our Expert Team will take care of it and revert you back with all analysis details. Please read the details below for more information: 1. You will get the top 5 materials matching names with match percent with your XRD graph. 2. You will also be getting detailed data related to the crystal structure (and all related proeprties). 3. Your XRD Data Matching results will be shown in your account accessible for lifetime; and you can use its data values with any software (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Origin, etc.) of your choice to plot, match and analyze your data. XRD Data Match Demo NOTE: Some common instrument file formats are allowed to upload because of security reasons. If your file is not uploading then please convert it in ZIP format and then upload it.

XRD Data Matching with Rietveld Refinement Online

You can upload your data to our secure servers and sit back relaxed at your place. Our Expert Team will take care of it and revert you back with all analysis details. Please read the details below for more information: 1. You will get the top 5 materials matching names with match percent with your XRD graph. 2. You will also be getting detailed data related to the crystal structure (and all related proeprties). 3. Our experts will perform Rietveld refinement with your matched data and give you all the related results in zip file. 4. Your XRD Data Matching results will be shown in your account accessible for lifetime; and you can use its data values with any software (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Origin, etc.) of your choice to plot, match and analyze your data. XRD Data Match Demo NOTE: Some common instrument file formats are allowed to upload because of security reasons. If your file is not uploading then please convert it in ZIP format and then upload it.

XRD Reference (JCPDS) File Online

You just need to give us material names and sit back relaxed at your place. Our Expert Team will take care of it and revert you back with your reference files. Please read details below for more information: 1. You will get a reference file link of InstaNANO, all values of which can be used with any software (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Origin, etc.) of your choice to plot, match, and analyze your data. 2. Reference files of XRD are sometimes also known as JCPDS files. 3. Write the requested material name in the Input Box above Add to Cart button. 4. If Multiple References Are Needed, then these should be separated by numbers or commas. 5. Please update Cart Quantity as per the number of References required

Scientific Graph Plotting for Publication

If you have analysed your sample with any of the spectroscopy or microscopy and you don't know what is the best way of plotting your results and how to do it.
Then you don't need to worry about anything, we are always here you help you out in Scientific Graph Plotting.

We can plot any kind of graph for your including:
  • Simple X-Y Axis Graph
  • Graphs with Error Bar
  • Bar Chart
  • 3D X-Y-Z Axis Graph
  • 3D Colormap Graph
  • Multi Y Axis Graph
  • 2D/3D Pie Chart
  • And Many More...

  • All our plotted graphs are highly scientific and you can directly send them for any publication in any book or international journal.

    Custom Analysis

    NOTE: Analysis will be done as per the conversation held with our team.

    XRD Crystallite Size Calculation by Our Expert Team

    You have synthesized your material and performed the XRD but you are having problems in crystallite size calculations of your sample. Then our expert team is always here to help you out.

    What You will get,
  • Crystallite/grain size calculated value from 5 highest intensity peaks in your graph.

  • XRD Percent Crystallinity Calculation by Our Expert Team

    You have synthesized your material and performed the XRD but you are having problems in percent crystallinity calculation. Then our expert team is always here to help you out and calculate XRD Percent Crystallinity for you.

    What You will get,
  • XRD Percent Crystallinity calculated value from of your sample.

  • XRD Instrument Analysis Online (India Only Product)

    You have synthesized your sample successfully. But still not sure, if your synthesized sample is what you are expecting. Then XRD is the solution for you and we are here to help you out. We will perform XRD analysis for all your samples.

    Important Instructions:

    -> We will share the courier address details after receiving order from your side.

    -> Then you need to send the samples via any courier service to us (We will not pay for this).

    -> After receiving the samples we will perform the analysis. Your analysis might take from 2 to 15 working days, depending on the number of samples you are having.

    What will you get:

    -> Microsoft Excel file with x'axis and y'axis values of your sample (can also provide XRD instrument raw data file if you need).

    -> You can also order our XRD Data Matching product by clicking here, in which our experts will match your data with 8,00,000+ materials from our library and let you know the best match.

    Instrument Raw Data File Conversion to Excel File

    NMR Instrument Raw Data File Conversion to Excel File Online

    You can upload your data to our secure servers and sit back relaxed at your place. Our Expert Team will take care of it and revert you back with your converted excel file. Please read details below for more information:

    1. You will get q converted excel file from your Instrument file, which can be used with any software (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Origin etc.) of your choice to plot, match and analyze your data

    2. Supported Files:
  • Zip Files (.ZIP)
  • Agilent / Bruker Ion Trap (.YEP)
  • Agilent ChemStation (.MS, .CH)
  • Bruker Aspect 2000/3000
  • Briker MS Data
  • Bruker TopSpin/UXNMR/XWIN-NMR
  • Bruker WIN-NMR (.FID, .SER, .1R, .RR)
  • Bruker XMass
  • CS ChemDraw (.CDX, .CDXML)
  • Chemical Markup Language (.CML)
  • ElViS OPUS (.0)
  • ElViS Omnic SPA / Galactic GRAMS SPC (.SPA, .SPG, .SPC)
  • GE/Nicolet
  • JEOL Lambda (.NMFID, .NMDATA, .NMF, .NMD)
  • JEOL MSQ1000 (.SPE)
  • JEOL msAxel (.RBS, .RBC, .RPS, .RPC)
  • MS CSV File (.CSV, .TXT)
  • Magritek Prospa (.1D, .2D)
  • MestReC (.MRC)
  • MestReNova (.MNOVA .MNPAG, .MNCS, .MNPL, .XML)
  • Molfile (.MOL)
  • NMRPipe (.FID, .FT1, .FT2)
  • Nuts Type 1/2/3
  • Old Gemini
  • Oxford Instruments RINMR (.RiDat)
  • PCA Model (.MPCA)
  • Publications Submitted Data (.MNPUB)
  • QOne, QOneTec (.NMR)
  • SDfile (.SDF)
  • Siemens MagnetomV Vision (.RAW)
  • StereoSitter Projects (.JSON)
  • SwaN-MR
  • Techmag (.TNT)
  • ThermoScientific Xcalibur (.RAW)
  • Varian Gemini/VXR from VHelper
  • Varian VNMR
  • Varian/Chemagnetics Spinsight
  • Waters MassLynx (.DAT, .IDX, .INF, .RPT)
  • PerkinElmer block structure file (.SP)
  • mzXML/mzData (.mzXML, .mzData, XMLl)

  • XRD Instrument Raw Data File Conversion to Excel File Online

    You can upload your data to our secure servers and sit back relaxed at your place. Our Expert Team will take care of it and revert you back with your converted excel file. Please read details below for more information:

    1. You will get a converted excel file from your Instrument file, which can be used with any software (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Origin etc.) of your choice to plot, match and analyze your data

    2. Supported Files:
  • PANalytical XRD Measurement (.XRDML, .RD, .SD, .FP, .DI, .UDF, .UDI, .LIS)
  • STOE (.PRO, .DAT)
  • LH-Rietveld (.LHP)
  • DBW-Rietveld (.RFL)
  • Crystallographic Information (.CIF)
  • JCAMP (.JDX, .JCP)
  • ICDD (.PD3)
  • ICSD Database (.CRY)

  • FTIR Instrument Raw Data File Conversion to Excel File Online

    You can upload your data to our secure servers and sit back relaxed at your place. Our Expert Team will take care of it and revert you back with your converted excel file. Please read details below for more information:

    1. You will get a converted excel file from your Instrument file, which can be used with any software (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Origin etc.) of your choice to plot, match and analyze your data

    2. Supported Files:
  • Spectra / Groups (.SPA, .SPG)
  • PCIR (.IRD, .IFG)
  • Nicole SX/DX (.NIC, .SPC)
  • CSV Text (.CSV)
  • Peak Solve (.0)
  • GRAMS (.SPC, .GLD)
  • Perkin-Elmer (.SP)
  • Spectacle (.IRS, .SDA, .UVD)
  • GAML (.GAML)
  • BRUKER (.[0-9])
  • Jasco (.JWS)
  • Mattson (.IGM, .ABS, .DRT, .SBM, .RAS, .TRN)

  • UV-Vis Spectroscopy Instrument Raw Data File Conversion to Excel File Online

    You can upload your data to our secure servers and sit back relaxed at your place. Our Expert Team will take care of it and revert you back with your converted Excel file. Please read details below for more information: 1. You will get a converted excel file from your Instrument file, which can be used with any software (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Origin, etc.) of your choice to plot, match, and analyze your data 2. Supported Files:
  • Spectrum (.SPC)
  • Photometric Files (.PHO)
  • Kinetics (.KIN)
  • Report (.rpt)
  • NOTE: Some common instrument file formats are allowed to upload because of security reasons. If your file is not uploading then please convert it in ZIP format and then upload it.